Project Info

What would be a good solution to the following problems?
  • An organisation responsible for the preservation and safe storage of numerous historical documents has to deal with a mountain of documents and paperwork. As the years go on, the number swelled and it becomes too overwhelming for the staff to record, to store and to retrieve. They are also fast running out space to store boxes after boxes of paper.
  • A medical institution has preserved all its archival documents since it became fully operational. The historical medical archives, which stretches back to the 19th century, are of considerable scientific value. Not just that, the hospital also has to handle the increasing numbers of patients and their particulars and medical histories. Most of the records are on paper, making it hard to store and to retrieve. As some of the information is classified, only those who have been authorised can view the documents.
  • A company has decided to upgrade the skills of existing workers and is planning on enrolling them into various courses and training. However, as the company's human resources are vast, it becomes hard to keep track which staff has benefited from which course and who are the ones who have not been sent.
Through the digitising of documents, the various parties above can solve their problem:
  • The archival organisation, by scanning all their documents into images and storing them on CDs, are able to save place and retrieve information much faster. This makes way for better customer services and also prevents accidental damage or loss of historical documents.
  • The hospital, by digitising their medical archives and patient particulars, are able to store them on CDs. The hospital staff can use a special software to view the information and only authorised staff can view classified information. By storing on CDs, retrieval of patient's information is much faster, which is particularly important during an emergency.
  • The company, by digitising the staff's dossiers, are able to reduce the space needed to store the various personnel data and cut down on the amount of manual work required in the human resource department.
Are you facing similar problems above and the answer to your problem could be the move from paper documents to electronic documents? If so, please don't hesisate to contact us.

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